About Us

Abiraa is more than a business platform as it display, showcases and features the unique, rich and prosperous diversity of ethnic tribal & folk-art forms of India. It is a platform that gives new Ideas, concepts and sources to artists who create handicrafts and traditional products to reinvent and rediscover their knowledge of art and artistically lift art forms from the rural corners of the country to urban parts of the country & to the corporate culture. We work to help to introduce various arts and crafts to the urban world and new generation.

We are rich collection of Indian tribal, artistic and traditional items & products and also one of the best artistic stores which can be your one stop Tribal Art Gallery for finding the finest & premium variety of handcrafted Indian artistic, tribal & ethnic collections all folk-art forms. We bring inspiring handcrafted tribal-artistic solutions for Corporate & Social Gifting, Home décor, Customised Interior Solutions etc. Our handcrafts, artistic, traditional item ranges are available in the form of Canvas/Paper Painting, Metal Curios, Wall Frames, Home Utility items and more arts and crafts At Abiraa , we are making our efforts to promote tribal art forms across India & worldwide.

We Endeavour to provide our customers with tribal artworks and handcrafts which support, help and encourage rural talented artists of the country. We took an initiative through our company where we are constantly working on innovative methods to introduce these artisans to a set of opportunities. With an objective to support rural and needy artisans by giving them alternative means to earn a livelihood, we work with them to increase their standard of living and provide them employment so that they can support their family.

We offer you ethnic tribal, folk-art, handcrafted and exclusive Indian collections of all art forms across India. We provide artistic solutions for a variety of spaces, from home to businesses, gifts from individuals, home décor to office/ workplace décor, etc.